The recent controversies about the Table Tennis Federation India have been making some malpractices about match-fixing where the Delhi High Court was involved. It all started when star player Manika Batra was seen playing at Tokyo Olympics in 2021, without a coach by her side. Following the end of the Games, the 26-year-old had made a shocking revelation, which had left everyone stunned. There are a lot of unbelievable facts that have been happened in the last few months but it didn’t come up into the light soon until the player has shared it out stating that he can prove every statement passed from her that it is truth. She also shared the news that she is falsely charged by the Table Tennis Federation of India for bringing a dispute in the country and was not given a chance to prove the facts and bring out the original truth from this mystery.

She also added these lines in a meeting saying about the hidden truth and revealing it out “The national coach (Soumyadeep Roy) had pressurized me during the qualification tournament in Doha in March 2021 to concede my match to his student to enable her to qualify for Olympics – in short- to indulge in the match to his student to enable her to qualify for Olympics – in short- to indulge in match-fixing. For asking me to concede the match, the national coach personally met me in my hotel room and talked to me for nearly 20 minutes”. She also added that she already brought this to the notice of Table Tennis Federation India she had raised the issue to a federation of match-fixing pressure tactics by the national coach in her e-mail dated 14th August 2021, but TTFI refuted the issue outright without even a preliminary, impartial and transparent inquiry. There is a shocking release in the recent judgment from the Delhi High court saying that the Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI) has been suspended for 6 months and an administrator has been appointed to handle the case further. In addition, national coach Soumyadeep Roy has also been found guilty of match-fixing.
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