An Epic Games listing mistake allowed FIFA fans to pre-order the game for Rs 4.8 ahead of launch, instead of the full price of Rs 4,799.
EA’s last collaboration with FIFA, was announced with a new trailer yesterday that highlights the upcoming game’s top features
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Epic Games was offering FIFA 23 (PC) in an Ultimate Edition and a vanilla Standard Edition for pre-order on the platform from July 21
but a listing error briefly showed the price of the game as Rs 4.8 (about USD 0.06) instead of the actual price of Rs 4,799.
The error, which took about 30 minutes or so to get fixed, allowed many Indian FIFA fans to grab the game for under Rs 5 directly from Epic Games
News quickly spread and one Twitter user even suggested that users could grab the deal from other regions by switching their ID’s location to India first.
The error has now been fixed and users can no longer make use of the incorrect game listing.
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